Sunday, 18 December 2011

My First Craft Fair

I was recently asked to participate in a charity Craft Fair to raise money for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice in Farnham. Although I'd never done a craft fair before, I thought it was about time I did, and how can I refuse when the money raised is for such a good cause?

Everyone made me feel very welcome when I arrived, and there was a steady flow of people visiting all the stalls throughout the day.    I tried to explain to people who visited my stall that because I make the jewellery by hand myself, to just ask if they didn't see something they liked and I'd try to make it for them.  Or if they liked something but would prefer a different colour, I'd be equally happy to go away and make it for them.

One lady really understood this concept, and asked whether I could make some "treble clef" earrings for a music-lover.   I told her I'd never tried to make treble clefs before, but I was happy to give it a shot!  She was really happy with the result (and so was I!):

I was incredibly pleased with the amount of interest my little craft stall received, and happy that the hospice benefitted from it.  The "best seller" of the day, was the set of "Christmas Angel" earrings in silver (pictured).  (Two ladies both wanted the last pair at the same time!):

It was a great atmosphere and I may be inspired to participate in other craft fairs in future ... watch this space :-)

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