Saturday, 3 December 2011


I recently joined a website I found that displays and promotes hand crafted items.  It was called CraftsLink and it promotes and shares the work of artists from various niches, whether they are in business or doing it as a hobby.  I've since discovered it is a lovely community to be a part of, and it feels like it has potential for even better things to come.  

This morning I was pleasantly surprised to find that my profile on CraftsLink was currently their "Bio of the Week!"  Thank you to everyone involved in CraftsLink for being so supportive of my new venture.  I'm really happy to be a part of this community, and hope there are other crafters out there who are inspired to do the same.

If you want to find out more about CraftsLink, they also have a blog so you can keep up with the latest news.   There is of course also a Facebook CraftsLink community and Twitter too!  Keep up the great work guys  :-)

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