Friday, 24 February 2012

Second Competition

After the success of the first facebook competition, I thought I would do a second one.   But this time the winners would get to choose which prize they wanted to win by sharing the relevant picture.  There was a choice of 2 designs ... the silver celtic design or the golden champagne twist:

Over 70 people shared at least one of the photos within a 3 hour period.  I was utterly amazed.   I thought it was take a couple of days to hit the target of 300 "likes" but it only took a couple of hours.  I need to make the target more challenging next time  ;-)

Although the silver celtic earrings seemed to be more popular, the winner chose the gold champagne twist.  I hope she likes them as much as I do :-)

For more design ideas visit the main Inner Fyre website.

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